01 Why were Different
Were a specialist Boutique Growth consultancy & advisory business ...
Winning into todays world & market means that you have to “stand out from the crowd”, & that applies to both InteliHub & our growing range of customers. Our existing customers at InteliHub know that “Customer Advocacy” is something we’re really passionate about. For us it’s one of the cornerstones of any successful business & a real differentiator between the best businesses & the rest.
Were proud of the fact that we since setting up the business in 2015, we have consistently achieved a Top Quartile Customer Net Promoter score (60+) across our customer base which “for us” is how we benchmark success.
Being privileged to work with a range of “fast growth” businesses both within & outside the Insurance market we see some common themes in those that are outperforming the rest:
A real “Clarity of Strategy & Business Planning” to bring it alive is a “cornerstone”.
A focus on developing & investing in talent underpins creating a great customer experience.
A continuous focus on innovation & driving & embedding change keeps you ahead of the competition.
Investing in developing & differentiating their proposition keeps them relevant to their evolving customer needs.
Using customer insight, data, & intelligence smartly is an increased & growing focus.
Blending these together in a way which drives & enhances Customer Advocacy & Experience consistently seems to be “pivotal” to outperforming the competition & a theme that sets the “best performers” apart from the rest.
Those businesses that focus on their Customer experience & Customer Advocacy & get it right get some really “tangible” business benefits in return.
They attract customers to them.
They gain more referrals.
They achieve higher average spend per customer.
Through constantly looking for ways to evolve & improve their proposition, they tend to be more innovative & faster paced.
Great people want to work in businesses that are focused on creating a great customer experience, so they find it easier to “attract the best talent”.
Their businesses attract higher valuations when they choose to sell or restructure them.
Looking at the list above, as both a business owner & a customer myself, that feels like a good investment to me …
Talk to us if you are interested in knowing more about our approach to helping businesses enhance their customer experience & customer advocacy.